Bibliography on Spiritual Direction. (from 4.1.f )

Special works:

English Readers will find the following easily accessible: 
The Spiritual Life, A. Tanquerey, Society of St. John the Evangelist;
Growth in Holiness, Fr. Faber (Ch. xviii);
The Graces of Prayer, Poulain, Kegan Paul, London;
Spiritual Director and Physician, V. Raymond, O.P.;
Catholic Encyclopedia, Art. “Direction”;
The Degrees of the Spiritual Life, Abbe Saudreau, London, Burns Oates;
Christian Perfection and Contemplation, Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.

Among other authors who have treated of Spiritual Direction: 
Cassian, Conferences, C, II, 1–13;
St. Gregory the Great;
St. Bernard;
St. Bonaventure;
St. Vincent Ferrer;
St. John Climacus, Ladder of Paradise, 4th Deg., 5–12;
St. Theresa of Avila, especially in her Autobiography;
St. John of the Cross, Ascent of Mount Carmel.

La Direction Spirituelle, Ven. Libermann, Oeuvre de Saint Paul, Paris;
L’Esprit d’un Directeur des âmes, M. Olier, Poussielgue, Paris;
La Charité Sacerdotale, P. Desurmount, Paris, Sainte-Famille;
The various works of Fr. Timon-David, see page 55;
La pratique progressive de la confession et de la direction, Fr. Saudreau,
and other works on moral and religious formation, Paris, Lib., Saint Paul;
Direction des Enfants, Simon, Paris, Téqui:
Pratique de l’Education, Monfat, Paris, Téqui;
L’Educateur Apôtre Guibert, Gigord, Paris.

L’Ascétisme Chrétien, Ribet. Paris,
Poussielgue; works of Fr. Meynard, O.P., and of Mgr. Gay;
L’Ideal de l’âme fervente, La Voie qui mène a Dieu. Manuel de Spiritualité, by Saudreau;
Principes de la Vie Spirituelle, Fr. Schryvers, C.SS.R., Brussels, De Vit;
St. François de Sales Directeur d’âmes, F. Vincent;
Direction de Conscience, Agnel et Espiney;
Lacordaire apôtre et directeur de jeunes gens, H. Noble, O.P.;
Traité de l’obéissance, Tronson, Pt. II.,
Praxis Theol. Mysticae. Lib. viii, c.1., Godinez; Instit.
Theol. Myst., Pt. II, c.i., Nos. 327–353, Schram;
also the works of Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P., incl. Les Trois Ages de la Vie Interieure.

In short, a serious study of Fr. Desurmont’s Charité Sacerdotale, of Lagrange’s Christian Perfection and Contemplation, or Sandreau’s Degree of the Spiritual Life, will . . . [sentence is incomplete in the orginal].